Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Failure to search

Here is an old video of Arthur failing to search for an object. This is a classic task developed by Jean Piaget, which I always talk about in class.  Piaget thought it meant that infants don't have any mental representations.  Once they couldn't see or touch something - it stopped existing for them.  Out of sight was really out of mind. 

Most researchers now think that infants are smarter than Piaget thought, but it is still a cool effect.


  1. doesn't he need a few more seconds to think about it? He sure remembered there was a sock under the rug.

    1. He was younger in this clip - it's from Thanksgiving. He was right on the edge of getting it at that time. He totally had it by the time you visited.

      There is another, related error he is making now. I am trying to get it on video.
